Guide for Contributing to the Flower City Biz Women Connect Newsletter

Welcome to the Flower City Biz Women Connect newsletter! We are dedicated to empowering local women entrepreneurs by providing valuable insights, strategies, and inspiration to grow their businesses sustainably and avoid burnout. Our audience consists of dynamic women who are passionate about their businesses and are looking for practical advice to balance business success with personal well-being.

What We're Looking For

We are seeking expert contributors who can share their knowledge and experience in the following areas:

  • Business Growth Strategies: Tips and techniques for scaling a business efficiently.

  • Work-Life Balance/Harmony: Strategies to manage time & energy effectively and avoid burnout.

  • Marketing and Branding: Innovative ideas for promoting a business locally and online.

  • Financial Management: Advice on budgeting, investing, and financial planning.

  • Leadership and Team Building: Insights on leading a team and fostering a positive work culture.

  • Personal Development: Tips on self-care, mindset, and personal growth for entrepreneurs.

Contribution Guidelines

Original Content Only:

We value authenticity and unique perspectives. All submissions must be original content created by you. Plagiarized or AI-generated content will not be accepted.

Content Quality:

Articles should be well-written, free of grammatical errors, and provide clear, actionable advice. Aim for a conversational yet professional tone.
Ensure your content is insightful and adds real value to our readers. Share personal experiences, case studies, or specific examples where applicable.

Length and Format:

Articles should be between 500-800 words.
Use headings, subheadings, bullet points, and short paragraphs to enhance readability.

Citations and References:

If you include data, quotes, or references to other works, please provide proper citations. We encourage the use of reputable sources to back up your points. 

No AI-Generated Content:

We emphasize the importance of authentic, human-generated content. Submissions created using AI tools will not be accepted. We believe in the power of personal experience and expertise, which AI cannot replicate. We will verify using an AI tester

Editorial Process:

  • Our editorial team (currently Brittany) will review your submission and may request revisions.

  • We strive to maintain a high standard of quality and consistency across all published content.

  • Accepted articles may be edited & evaluated for clarity, grammar, style, and AI use. Major changes will be discussed with the author.

Application and Submission Process:

  1. First please complete the Guest contributor application. If accepted we will send you the link for the profile and the upload form.Please upload your article as a Word document (.doc, .docx) to our upload form.

  2. You will receive confirmation when it has been received

  3. Our team will acknowledge receipt of your submission within one week. If your article is selected, we will notify you within three weeks.

Why you should contribute

Visibility: Show off your expertise to a targeted audience of local women entrepreneurs.

Networking: Connect with like-minded professionals and expand your network within the Rochester business community.

Credibility: Enhance your professional profile and establish yourself as a thought leader in your field.

Impact: Contribute to the growth and success of fellow women entrepreneurs by sharing your knowledge and experience.

Final Thoughts

We are excited to hear from experts who are passionate about supporting women in business. Your contribution can make a significant impact on our community, helping women achieve their business goals while maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]. We look forward to your submissions and to the opportunity of featuring your insights in our newsletter.

Thank you for your interest in contributing to the FC Biz Women Connect newsletter!

Brittany W.

Editor, FC Biz Women Connect Newsletter 


or to participate.