Introduction to Flower City Biz Women Connect

Thanks for joining us on this journey!

Thanks for joining us!

I started Flower City Biz Women Connect because when I’d meet with local women in business around Rochester there would be a recurring theme that there weren’t many groups around discussing things like systems and SEO and how to build efficient and effective businesses without burnout.

These are my personal specialty because I’m someone living with compounding chronic illnesses and am also an entrepreneur! I’ve burned out numerous times before I figured out that I needed (not just wanted) systems and SEO to take some of the burden off my plate. Overtime, I developed many different systems for running numerous businesses at the same time and I want to share that with you. #multipassionateentrepreneur

I use the term GUIDE specifically because I want this to truly be a partnership where you also lean into your intuition about what will work for you!

If you haven’t already please take the quick subscriber survey so I can know how ot best serve you!

Because this is a brand spanking new newsletter community I’m sharing 4 ways you can help this community grow!

  1. Spread the word

    • posting on social and tagging our brand new FB page →

  2. Engage and interact

    • leave comments on the post

  3. Refer a friend

    • make a personal invite to a friend, colleague, or neighbor!

  4. Contribute!

    • I’m definitely open to others writing for the newsletter if you are an expert in something. You will be able to link directly to your business!

This newsletter will be a combination of articles written by me Brittany, Guest posts, and Recommendations.
Because there is currently no subscription price, I will be using referral links to products that I know, love, and use. Just know that nothing costs more because you are clicking it from this newsletter.

Thanks for being here!


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