🌷Is Your Ideal Client/Customer Who You Think It Is?

In all honesty... probably not

Welcome to another issue of the Flower City Biz Women Connect Newsletter! I’m so glad to have you here! A thought followed by some reach prompted this newsletter’s “Root of the Matter” section. Let me know your thoughts on it.

In this issue we’ll cover:

  • Ideal customer/client

  • Fresh Picks

  • Business Builders

Root of the Matter

Is your ideal customer who you think it is? Probably not. 🤷🏾‍♀️

Many business owners think their target/ideal/dream customer or client is everyone or anyone. They believe anyone can use their product or service and they might be right… but...

Who is actually likely, willing, and eager to use their product or service? Who is going to have the best result and spread the word about their results using word of mouth? This is who business owners need to focus on.

Creating the avatar is so important.

It’s the key to building successful marketing campaigns and designing automations. Before you can create the customer journey and automate it you need to know who the customer is and WHY they’re on this journey in the first place.


Before you create the customer journey you need to know who the customer is and WHY they’re on this journey in the first place.


Take Flower City Biz Women Connect for example:
The idea for this newsletter came because I had numerous conversations with women in business and I discovered a lot.

We all know that women in business are

  1. really busy,

  2. often overwhelmed, and at the same time

  3. eager to grow their business (am I right? Hit reply to this email)

At the same time some of these women might also be dealing with a chronic illness!

This makes things harder. By having the discussions with people and considering my own journey with being an ambitious woman with a chronic illness, I knew I could create something that helped ease the burden and yet ALSO increase capacity for more clients without leading to burnout.

I created an avatar and now I’m building out even more for this woman.

By getting clear on this avatar and then building it out I can attract more women entrepreneurs in the Greater Rochester Area (& beyond) to this community and newsletter.

How do you get clearer on your ideal client/customer? Below I share a short overview.

How to get clearer on your ideal customer or client:

  1. Get Clear on your products and/or services

  2. Market Research

  3. Customer Demographics

  4. Customer Psychographics (no this doesn’t mean find out whether they’re crazy or not 😅)

  5. Define Their Pain Points & Needs

  6. Segment your Audience

  7. Determine Market Fit

  8. Refine your marketing strategy

  9. Watch and adjust as necessary

  10. Always be connecting & learning 

Always be connecting & learning


If you would like me to go deeper on this checklist or create a printable please hit reply and say “printable!”. I’ll use it as a voting mechanism.

So the next time someone asks you, “who should I recommend your business to?” You can be hella specific. This makes it easier for them to know who to refer to you and more likely you’ll convert a new client! Win win!

 Have any questions about this or want to go deeper? Hit reply. It’s me on the other side!

Fresh Picks

This section offers links to great content I’ve found on the web!

Business Builders

This section is all about tools, books, and additional resources.*

This tool helps me create SEO-Friendly content for my blogs: SEO Assist*

This book shifted my mindset about business: The E-Myth Revisited*

This tool helps me write & send gorgeous newsletters: beehiiv*
(You’ll get 1 month free and then 20% off for 3 months)

Disclaimer: * = sponsored or affiliate links. These help me fund FCBWC at no additional cost to you. Thank you!

Final Thoughts

When it comes to building a business it can be overwhelming and lonely. Focusing on creating systems and community is key to being in business for the long haul!

Rooting for your success!

P.S. are you interested in sponsoring or advertising in Flower City Biz Women Connect? Send me an email

P.P.S. (please note: I use “woman” in the most expansive way possible 🏳️‍⚧️🌈)


or to participate.